Money is...
No one talks about money.
Growing up you are told to not talk about .. Religion, Politics and.. Money.
As you get older, you begin to talk about Religion, and Politics with your friends, but Money?
It is funny though right? Because money really is, if we are honest, what we are all after.
It is why we work
It is why we spend time away from our children
It is why we do what we do.
You need money for everything. Money is not evil, greed is.
If I asked most of you right now, what you would do if you had $10 million dollars. Most of you would say, buy a house for my family, help my parents, pay off my debts, give a better life to my children.. help others.
Money helps you give a good life to your family, it helps you have more experiences, it helps you have a beautiful place to enjoy life, it helps you give back, it allows you to create impact in the world.
Money gives you freedom to do the things you want in life.
This is why we spend our life trying to make it.

Ever since getting back from traveling the world and starting my own business. I have become obsessed with Personal Development and Entrepreneurship.
I chose to attend the Aspire Tour in Miami. This was a one day marathon of speakers such as Kevin O'Leary, Alex Rodriguez, Gary Vee, Marcus Lemonis, Tim Storey, and many more. It was amazing, I highly recommend seeing if it comes to a city near you.
About halfway through the day the founder of the Aspire Tour Andrew Cordle got on stage and started talking about ... Money.
He pointed how the one thing we actually want, we often do not know much about.
Most know how to MAKE it, few know how to KEEP it and not many know how to PROTECT it.
We put it in our 401K, or give it to our financial advisory and .. hope for the best. Because "we don't know anything about money"
The reality is, no one is going to care more about and for your money than you.
The number one emotion around money is FEAR.
Fear of? .. Fear of losing what you have.
So why do we not know much about it?
Why is it so taboo?

(Me and my mentor Ryan Zofay, who also spoke at Aspire!)
He does interviews where he asks various people to fill in the blank..
Money is....
Security Power
When you ask Andrew he says Money is.. A GAME.
When there is a game, there is rules. If you know the rules, you can win.
He had me hooked. Everything he was saying made so much sense to me.
I grew up in a house where I was lucky enough to have a father that was always educating us on money. Money has always been a topic I have been interested in.
Ever hear "Rich people do not pay their taxes"
No, they do, they just know how to play the rules so they minimize or avoid taxation.
Andrew explained how the wealthy play the game and how they make huge gains investing, all tax free. He offered a 3 day Money Is Mastermind to dive deeper in to the game of money, for $199. I jumped at the opportunity to learn more. You could bring a guest so I of course brought... my father.
Guys, this was the best mastermind, conference, whatever you want to call it, I have ever been too.

He broke it down like this..
There are two players in the game of money
The contributors, and the creators.
The contributors make up the vast vast majority of people. These are the people who play by the rules they are told, don't question it, and often never get ahead.
Then there are the creators, these are the people that know the game of money, play it, and create. keep and protect money.
He explained that the rules the wealthy play by are the EXACT OPPOSITE of the rules the contributor's play by. When he explained all of this over the course of 3 days, he was not exaggerating... it literally is the exact opposite.
He broke down how to invest tax free, in 5 different tax free accounts.
The best part, anyone can play, they just have to know the rules.
He used the example of how Mitt Romney grew his Roth IRA to 100 Million Dollars, bound by the same contribution limits as you and I.
He explained that in order to make money you have to move money. Currency, comes from current, which means movement.
Money has to move in order to grow. You can move money within your tax free accounts and pay $0 in taxes on the profits.
You just need to have and know "Financial Friends", to move money with, that to know the rules of the game.

It took Andrew 13 years to uncover all of the rules of the game he was missing, the ones only the 1% of the 1% know and use.
And he let all that information free flow in this mastermind over the course of 3 long days.
He drew charts, pictures, explained examples through history and really did an excellent job at explaining how the game is played, and more importantly how someone like myself and my dad could play it.
He has created a community where all the "Financial Friends" live so that people like you and I can have access to being able to move money inside of our tax free accounts.
My father and I left with our minds expanded and our Financial IQs grown exponentially.
The higher your financial IQ, the higher your bank account will be.
Here are the 5 Tax Free Accounts you can move money and grow tax free:
Roth IRA - (make too much money to contribute... search back door IRA)
HSA (Check out receipt reimbursement)
Solo IRA (blew my mind)
Golden IRA (double blew my mind)
The catch, you have to commit to learning the rules, taking ownership of your money and literally direct the money yourself "self directed accounts" via a financial custodian, not your financial advisor.
It is a lifestyle choice.
There is no way I could write about all of the information I learned.
I am just at the beginning. But I am committed to learning more, growing my financial IQ, so that I can take control of one thing I really need, to help make my dreams come true.
And yes, all 100% legal, in fact he time and time again emphasized how it is usually more the contributors always playing in the grey area, the creators do not have to - the rules are so good, they do not need to cheat.
We joined his Mastermind Group and will be learning more over this next year.
Follow along, and to learn more head to