The Answers to All of your Questions

Where are you going?
I have a one way ticket to Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula booked for May 15, 2017. I am going to backpack the Yucatan then all of Central America, down to South America. Maybe I stay in Guatemala for just 3 days or maybe 3 months. Who knows? Not me. In a perfect fairytale I would like to do Antarctica, on to Africa, Eastern Europe to Australia.
How are you going to afford this?
How long will you be gone?
I do not know and I am not going to give you an answer. Maybe I am fulfilled after 3 months, maybe 3 years, I simply do not know and do not care to know at the moment. I am going into this experience with zero expectations or anticipation. I am just going to do me.
Who are you going with?
Isn't this going to be too dangerous?
How do your parents feel about this?
Mary Jo and Paul are not only excited for me but they are proud of me. I mean they are parents, so yes of course they are going to worry, but they trust and believe in me!
A week after I had told my parents my father called me and said this ..
"I want to let you know that your mother and I fully support you. If you are lucky enough in this world to know something you are so passionate about we are just so very proud of you for having the courage to go after what you want and to chase your dreams. We love you."
Why are you doing this?
No one promises tomororw
If it's a matter of time then time oughta matter more
How can I reach you when you are gone???
I will no longer have a phone number come May 15th
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