There is someone in my life that inspired me to write this letter...
Someone I have known for years.
I’m not going to tell you who this is about, so don’t ask.
(Mother, NO, you are not excluded from this)
I believe everyone has this person in their life. A friend, a sibling, a coworker, a parent, a person they just met, a person they have known forever.. WHOEVER.
And I believe this person deserves to know... they are GOOD, so tell them!
Dear Friend,
I was thinking about you today, as I often do.
I think about all the people in my life really, but today..
Today, I was thinking about you.
I was thinking about how good you are.
It’s funny because good seems like such an average word. But it isn’t in this case.
You are good, through and through. A good person. One I am proud to know.
And I was thinking about how I don’t think you even know it. Or get it. You don’t know how good you truly are.
And that bugs me.
You are genuine and kind and generous and giving. All words that get thrown around WAY too much.
That bugs me too.
But each one of those words is so authentically displayed by you.
You’re freaking smart too. And hard-working. But you don’t believe that do you?
You can literally do anything, and be GOOD at it. You have the personality, the charisma, and the drive to do so. It’s in there, I know it is. Don’t be intimidated to let it out okay?
You are GOOD.
You have a wonderful partner by your side, one that in my humble opinion can sometimes (only sometimes) take you for granted, they are lucky to have you.
You are stronger than you know and NOTHING is every perfect or easy, but I hope this life gives you everything you ever wanted.
For someone like you, everything is up for the taking.
I think you are honest and humble, and when you laugh, when you really really laugh... I’m telling you it lights up the room.
I look up to you. I believe in you. You inspire me.
All of this I just couldn’t help but let you know..
Come hell or high tide,
I will always be on your side
I love you my friend.
Never stop being.. GOOD
Love Always,
Your friend
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